Issue of Manual Verification of Academic Documents

Have you ever wondered about the intricacies and challenges that educational boards face during the admission process, especially when it comes to verifying thousands of academic documents?

The State Board of Technical Education (SBTE) in Bihar found itself entwined in a similar situation, grappling with the manual, error-prone scrutiny of academic documents during the admission process.

During the admission process, typically thousands of students submit multiple documents like SSC, HSC mark sheets, certificates, category certificates, academic credentials, etc. It is the responsibility of the admission authority to validate the documents and allot admission to candidates based on merit.

Verification of such documents is a time-consuming task, and a large number of human resources might be required to validate all documents.

The admission process typically gets delayed due to manual document validation. Let’s explore how the State Board of Technical Education has solved this problem with the help of technology.

About State Board of Technical Education, Bihar

The SBTE, Bihar, a pivotal entity, manages centralized admission processes across the state, ensuring that technical education is not only of superior quality but also accessible to all.

With a mission to foster technical education by providing robust study materials, initiating new technical schools, and ensuring quality through specialized committees, the board found itself submerged in thousands of admission applications each year for Diploma College admissions.

The Challenge: Unraveling the Process of Manual Verification

  • Time-consuming: Manual verification of documents was not only tedious but also a time-consuming affair.
  • Error-Prone: The susceptibility to human errors was significantly high, jeopardizing the integrity of the admission process.
  • Resource-Intensive: The manual scrutiny demanded substantial human resources, diverting them from other crucial tasks.

How could technology pave the way to a more efficient, accurate, and swift verification process?

The Solution: Embracing Technological Advancement with Docuexprt

In a bid to eradicate the challenges posed by manual verification, SBTE, Bihar, turned to technology, specifically targeting Docuexprt, to automate and streamline the document scrutiny process.

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Key Achievements with Docuexprt

  • Automated Verification: Enabled the automation of the document verification process, significantly reducing manual intervention.
  • Efficient Credential Checking: Facilitated the effortless and automated checking of academic credentials like mark sheets and passing certificates.
  • Swift and Accurate: Successfully verified 50,000+ documents within a couple of days, a task that previously spanned multiple weeks.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: The accuracy associated with document verification witnessed a substantial enhancement.

Feedback from the Secretary, SBTE, Bihar

“We utilized the Docuexprt platform during the admission process of Diploma Courses. 

This software has been instrumental in verifying and extracting data from PDF and JPEG files, meeting the requirements of our admission department for data validation. 

We endorse the use of Docuexprt for data validation and document scrutiny to streamline the validation process of academic credentials. Looking forward to working with Docuexprt in the future as well.”

– Dr. Chandra Shekhar Singh (Secratary),
State Board of Technical Education, Bihar

Crafting a Future with Automated Verification

The collaboration between SBTE, Bihar, and Docuexprt not only alleviated the challenges of manual verification but also paved the way for a future where technology and education go hand in hand, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and reliability in the academic admission process.

If you want to simplify data validation, and document scrutiny during the admission process then subscribe to the document verification platform

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